Paperform Affiliate Program

Earn 20% recurring commission through the Paperform online form builder affiliate program.

Affiliate Sign-Up Page

Affiliate Program
We are really thankful that you love Paperform and want to make it your business! We want to help you make those sales and reward you along the way. Here’s how we plan on doing that:

Commission: You’ll receive 20% of sales attributed to your unique link for the full duration of the subscription. Our Lifetime Value is approximately $700 – that’s a potential of $140 per sale you make! Our conversion rate is approx 10% from trial to paid user.

Resources: We’ll make a range of resources available to you including our Promotion Guide, Help Centre, Templates Example, Inspiration/Use-Cases, Video Tutorials, and a Branding Kit.

Freebies: if you sell and maintain 3 or more sales per month, you’ll have a free Paperform Pro account!

Our expectations of Affiliates
To ensure you’re the right fit for Paperform’s Affiliate program, hear are some guidelines and expectations that you may like to consider. You can also view the full T&Cs below via the link:

Many people start affiliate marketing and expect the cash to roll in immediately. Don’t jump into this expecting that you’ll tweet once and your work is done (although it can happen!). If you’re committed, you’ll be able to build up a strong revenue stream.
A solid strategy that aims to build and maintain traffic to your site or channel will get you far. We’ll help you show how awesome Paperform is, but you’ll need to figure out how to attract leads and establish a rapport (our blog can help too).
Stand out
If you commit and plan, you’ll see some great results. We want the best for you, and we want to see the Paperform Affiliate program thrive. Affiliates that don’t generate any “commissionable” transactions for a period of three months will be automatically deactivated.
Know the product
We only invite Paperform users to join the Affiliate program. Why? Because we are a distinct product, and having experience with the platform will help you close that deal. It fosters incredible trust with your leads when you speak from experience.
Do no harm
We have zero tolerance for spamming, cold-contacting, etc. We’re proud that Paperform has a great reputation. Keep in mind you’re representing our brand. If you are found to have engaged in any malicious activity, your affiliation with us will be terminated.

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