Rasa Affiliate Program

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Stay in touch with your customers.
But do it in a relevant, non-salesy way.

Individually created for everyone.
Sure, you’re already segmenting your emails – but are you segmenting to a group of one? Every newsletter you send out with rasa.io is completely custom to each one of your subscribers. Readers will (finally) love everything you send them.

For example:

Right now, you may be sending all of the squirrels on your list the same content about acorns and the monkeys the same content about bananas.

But when AnimalsThatRead.com sends their smart newsletter, each individual squirrel receives unique content about acorns depending on their individual interests. That may be recipes, the best trees to harvest from, or current trends of acorns in fashion. And the monkeys each receive unique banana content too.

Set it and forget it.
Customize the frequency, day, and time, that your newsletter goes out. Choose the schedule that best suits you and your audience. And then kick back and relax. All the content needed to fill your newsletter will be fetched automatically.

For example:

Both Monkey and Squirrel wake up with the sun and start their days early. So, AnimalsThatRead.com sends their newsletter at 7am each day to catch their subscribers first thing.

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