Earn 25% recurring commissions through the LearnWorlds LMS affiliate program.
Earn 25% recurring commissions through the LearnWorlds LMS affiliate program.
Earn 25% recurring commissions through the LearnWorlds LMS affiliate program.
Earn every month by recommending the fastest-growing online course platform!
Add an average of $897 per year to your bottom line for each new customer that you refer to LearnWorlds. With a minimum of 25% commission per referral, you are looking at an unlimited revenue potential.
How our Partners Club works
It takes 3 easy steps to start earning recurring commissions. Do the work once, earn for life!
1 Join our Partners Club for free. It only takes 1 minute to sign up and start promoting. With a 25% lifetime affiliate commission, creating a new revenue stream has never been easier!
2 When you become a Partner, you get access to your unique affiliate ID. Customize it to create deep links to any LearnWorlds page. We will track every web visitor that you send through.
3 Share your links on your website, blog, social media or newsletters. When someone clicks on your link and purchases a plan, you will earn a recurring commission.
Earn a 25% commission
Recurring, for life
Monetize your web traffic or simply refer a customer and earn with one of the highest rewarding affiliate programs on the market. Get 25% every month, for as long as the customer stays with us.
Receive monthly payouts
A consistent revenue stream
With LearnWorlds, you get direct payments into your PayPal account every month. All data is transparent and visible on your dashboard, and you get notified for payments.
Reliable referral tracking
Never miss a lead
We use one of the leading referral tracking systems to attribute new leads and customers to your unique affiliate ID. 60-day cookies ensure that your leads will be associated with your account.
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